May Dubious Earthly Expectations In The Prophetic
Realm Not Turn Our Affections To Things On The Earth When
The Bible Vividly Teaches Our Affections Rather Should be On Things Above!
Don't Miss The Special 1000 Year Reign Explanation Given Shortly Hereafter!
Have The Numerous Scriptures That Speak of the "Earth", "Jewish Holidays and Feasts", and the "Extolled Land Of Israel" As Being Forever Caused Too Many Prophecies to Be Placed Into A Future And Earthly Framework, When Possibly Already Accomplished, Or Fulfilled In Peculiar Manners Never Published Or Completely Overlooked? Note, Document One below gives numerous Scriptures which clearly show the word forever can pertain to an age rather than technical endlessness! And further shares numerous vivid Scriptures about the earth passing away.
"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. …When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory." (Col 3:1-4). Note how that verse links Christ's appearing to appearing with Him above in glory, and note how nicely such aligns with Jesus saying, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also". And herewith what about the teaching which advocates Christ will reign in the earthy Jerusalem at His appearing? And where should our affections be? Read the below for various stunning things on numerous prophecies! Considering prophesies are often obscure, and can be fulfilled in so many ways, it is most crucial that no address is applied to prophesy that conflicts in any way with plain spoken Scriptural documentation!
Normally I Write Very Simply, And As A Child,
But Here Some Years Ago I Sought To Write A Bit Differently.
I am confounded that so great a sum of people interpret and proclaim copious prophesies as having a singular and specific end time fulfillment, and without appropriate documentation. And even further with a proclamation nigh unto, "thus saith the Lord". Such is inexcusable because prophesies are often nonspecific and widely adaptable. And even further may have been fulfilled copious times in the past, and as a future incidence could adapt to such a diversity of occurrences it is folly to seek to transliterate to a singular supposed interpretation. Without a special revelation from God, many prophesies should remain as a variable component, and which only it's author and time can reveal its fulfillment(s). Many prophesies in the past were not understood until accomplished, and those with wisdom will notice and consider.
To proclaim God by divine revelation has revealed the meaning of a prophesy, and therewith proclaim its future implications, is rational, while even such needs scrutinized to know the validity of the divine revelation. However, when men effected by popular religious dogma, seek to constrain a prophesy to a singular narrow interpretation, while much needed subject matter is lacking to with certainty ascribe that interpretation, flesh is manipulating Scripture with obvious injustice.
Concerning the prophecy of Jacob's trouble, Jacob had great trouble many times throughout history, and likely again will have trouble at the end. And therewith, how can people with such certainty, clutch one nonspecific and widely adaptable verse speaking of Jacob's trouble, and largely confine it to be speaking of a particular and singular end time calamity? Scriptures without direct address, are without direct address, regardless of how popular the destiny given to the Scripture might be. Regarding the antichrist, multi anti christs were already in existence in Apostle John's time (1 John 2:18), and therewith prophesies regarding the antichrist could relate to various men and governments opposing Christ in the past and future. And thus how can men with such seeming certainty claim they are mostly pointing to one peculiar wicked man arising in the end times. And herewith must the MAN OF SIN, Paul vividly spoke of in 2 Thess 2:3-9, of certainty need be some single peculiar evil man, rather than the devil himself with all those joined with him furthering his lies, as the devil the angel of light goes about seeking to infiltrate the temple (church) of God and shew himself as God. A general and special exposure of the devil, his manners, and lies before Christ's return, certainly would be a greater and more meaningful exposure of our evil enemy (the man of sin) than merely the exposure of some peculiar evil man!! And oh how that exposure of the devil, the misleading man of sin needs to occur!!
Regarding the last and special week in Daniel's famous 70 week prophesy (Dan 9:23-27), wherein the covenant was confirmed with many for one week, one very worthy but largely unnoticed fulfillment regarding that special week could pertain to seven special years of confirming Christ's new covenant, as done by Christ and His disciples. The 7 years being the vital 3.5 years of Christ's ministry and then the 3.5 vital years of Christ's disciples’ ministry following His ascension. Obviously, Christ together with His disciples powerfully confirmed God's new covenant in those seven years, while in the midst of that week Christ gave the supreme sacrifice and caused the sacrifice or need of it to cease. Around thirty years after this special week because of overspreading of abominations God allowed Jerusalem to be made desolate. However, many again have a single, popular, and spectacular end time fulfillment set for this prophecy as if thus saith the Lord. As prophesies are widely adaptable and can fit into so many episodes past and future, men certainly have no authority to squeeze broadly applicable prophecies into one peculiar end time destiny. As prophesies are so broadly applicable, it is of great magnitude that no address is applied to prophesy that conflicts in any way with forthright and plain spoken Scriptural documentation!
Amazing Issues to Consider Which Many Likely Never Heard Of!
Regarding the 1000 year reign with Christ, granted SOULS beheaded for Christ, as declared in Revelations chapter 20, just what would such a reign consist of? And here again, although questions and possibilities abound, many have set its supposed fulfillment in concrete and in the end times. And why is the martyred saints' reign with Christ often with certainty deemed a reign on the earth rather than in the heavenlies? Yes, the special heavenly place with Christ Apostle Paul spoke of saying, "having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better". One crucial interpretation of this “reign with Christ prophesy” which I feel very worthy of notice is the new and special reign in the heavens, which began after three quite obvious vital changes took place in the heavenlies soon after Christ's ascension. Such as, firstly the change in the heavenlies after Christ conquered sin and death and then ascended to heaven in a new bodily form. Secondly the change which occurred in the heavenlies after the war in heaven that ensued, after Christ had ascended on high and captivity was led captive (Eph 4:8), and with Satan being permanently cast out (Rev 12:1-12). All this bringing in the Kingdom of our God (Rev 12:10) and everlasting righteousness into the heavenlies (Dan 7:24), as well as providing the gift of the Holy Ghost on earth (John 7:39, 16:7). And thirdly and of greatest significance, this “peculiar reign of deceased saints with Christ” could pertain to the change that occurred in the heavenlies after Christ our true High Priest died, and which permitted the souls which previously were bound in Hades to ascend into the heavenlies to abide in the presence of the Almighty and reign with Christ where everlasting righteousness was now instituted. Be aware after Christ arose, many saints also arose and came into Jerusalem and appeared to many, which saints did not return into their graves but rather would have entered this special reign in the heavenlies with Christ (please see Matt 27:52-53). Such being the first resurrection with the second resurrection at Christ's second coming. Regarding the release of the Souls of the Saints from Hades to reign with Christ, after Christ the real High Priest's death, such is uniquely symbolized in how after the High Priest death the unintentional man's slayer bound in the cities of refuge was allowed to return to his original home (Num 35:25). Yes, the three changes such as firstly Jesus in the heavenlies in bodily form, secondly Satan cast out and Christ's Kingdom of everlasting righteousness established, and lastly the saints of the ages being freed to abide with Christ in that new heavenly Kingdom certainly provides a solid platform to count a special reign with Christ. And interestingly the average years of the one who entered that reign at the first and the one who enters that reign now would be 1000 years. And finally, regardless of the proper interpretation of the 1000 year reign, many have a particular earthly interpretation of such, which seems to greatly contradict numerous plain spoken teachings of Christ and the apostles regarding Christ's second coming and conclusive events therewith (see Scriptures below). And here remember although we should have our affections on things above rather than on the earth, the anticipated and supposed future reign of Christ with His saints for 1000 years on earth likely has misdirected the affections of multitudes. The Israelites, and even Christ's own disciples, had very wrong expectations regarding prophesies about the first coming of their Messiah, and only understood things after God placed their final destiny. And how many people likewise have mistaken concepts about His second coming? Those who are wise will consider such.
The following Scriptures give a sobering picture of the earth passing away and conclusive events in direct connection with Christ’s second coming. While reading these verses please ponder, just where are indications of an earthly 1000 year reign of martyred saints in Jerusalem after Christ second coming?
(Acts 3:20-21) "And he shall send Jesus Christ…: 21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began."
(John 14:3) "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
(1 Thes 5:2) "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."
(2 Pet 3:10) "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
(Luke 17:29-30) "But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. 30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed."
(1 Thess 4:16-17) "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." (Remember how Jesus said "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." No, He did not say He would come that where we are He would be also!)
(2 Tim 4:1) "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;"
(Mat 25:31-32) "When the Son of man shall come in his glory…, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:"
Note, numerous other Scriptures speak much the same as the above. Prophet Zechariah speaks of Christ's feet standing in Jerusalem, and people looking on Him who they pierced, and certainly that could pertain to things that happened 2000 years ago.
May Christians wisely refrain from being busy construing and addressing broadly adaptable prophesies beyond what is written, and thereby possibly even infringing on other plain spoken Scriptural documentation! And may we rather be busy seeking to have the mind of Christ and seeking to please Him. It pleases us when someone is interested in and excited about things we are. Likewise to please Christ we must seek to be interested in and excited about what He is interested in! Jesus while on earth certainly was not excited about popular religion or large Synagogues, nor was He mostly focusing on end time prophesies, although He could have addressed them in an astonishing measure. Rather Jesus was interested in furthering God's will on earth, open hearted humility, and love which cares for all. This famous Scripture reveals Christ's interests, and may we seek to have the same, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord." (Luke 4:18-19). Christ's emphasis richly corresponded with His Father's emphasis as below.
(Isaiah 58:6) "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?"
(Micah 6:8) "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"
Jesus emphatically advocated solid and healthy standards of life, and which were quite different than merely man's self chosen ascetic religious traditions, which often are accompanied with pride. Actually, Jesus was often persecuted and accused as a liberal, by those taken up with their manmade religious dogma. Yet Jesus had real values, and said that those who hear His sayings and do them are like to a wise man who dug deep and built His house on a ROCK, and said other houses will grievously fall. Too many Christians in deciphering a matter, merely inquire as to what others might think, and simply follow the crowd, thus are destitute of digging deep and being on that ROCK. In conclusion you are invited to watch the 30 second video at the following link which shockingly shows the need of being personally anchored on God's solid ROCK, as we are solemnly lowered into the grave. Having strained at gnats and swallowed camels to defend mistaken and unbalanced religious dogma and believe what we want, will be weighed in the balances and found wanting at that crucial time. Thus it will not hold but will give way, and the fall of that house will be great as shown in this video!
Although numerous Scriptures speak of our earth and the lauded land of Israel being forever, the below page nicely clarifies the forever earth matter giving numerous examples where the Bible assuredly uses the word FOREVER in speaking of an age or special period rather than technical endlessness. Yes, we need to be careful to not allow the forever earth, forever feasts, and forever Israel Scriptures to wrongfully instigate dramatic future earthly expectations surrounding Israel! In all honesty how can people be so certain so many Biblical prophecies must still be future when they could already have been fulfilled in ancient times in manners we know nothing of or manners that have been overlooked (or even further been conditional prophecies)?
Certainly God Has A Special Care About Physical Israel. Nevertheless, And Without Doubt Those Who
Have The Faith Of Abraham And Like Abraham Keep And Do The Will Of God, Enclose Christ's
Most Intimate Family And Constitute The Most Vital Seed Of Abraham (Luke 8:21, Gal 3:7).
The below links share an extensive document entitled "The Millennium and Christ's Kingdom" written many years ago. It certainly gives a lot to think about for one who really wants to dig into and get to the bottom of things.
PART 1 Gives many vital aspects to ponder about the Millennium! A very extensive document I wrote more than 20 years ago.
PART 2 Of The Millennium Speaks of Christ"s Kingdom. It speaks of Christ's peaceful New Testament Kingdom. I did see some things a bit different and become a bit more tolerant of police and solders in a latter research as given at
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